The mistress is in town is what I say When I see the forecast for the next few days I know she is in town by the smile on his face I know she is in town because he has deserted this place Joy abounds and he greets her with glee And I know that his attention is not for me The mistress is in town for more than just him She greets them all with a glassy grin She surrounds them all with her salt spray air As she runs her waves through their wet tousled hair They come to the shore to bask in her seas They paddle to show her their greatness of feets The mistress is in town but she won’t stay long And then he will return to me with his soul more strong
Christie OBrienChristie is a writer, speaker, teacher and coach. Christie coaches leaders to find the blocks and barriers that are holding them back, so they can lead in healthy ways. She teaches about leadership, parenting, and her favorite subject: restoring the soul. Archives
March 2022